The relation between survivors of microorganisms and processing pressure as well as holding time during UHP treatment to Kiwi juice was investigated. 探讨了热敏性纯猕猴桃汁在超高压处理过程中,存在的菌落总数和大肠菌群数随压强大小和加压时间变化的关系。
Then you have to deal with getting doing school work, peer pressure, and maybe holding down a part time job so you will have spending money. 那么你就必须做作业,面对同龄人的压力,或者干一份兼职,以便自己有钱花。
Adjustment of pressure holding time and LED display; Unique measurement conversion device and unique micro eyepiece one-time measurement readout device, ensuring easy use and high accuracy. 该机采用独特的测量转换和测微目镜一次测量读数机构,使用方便,测量精度高。
The result shows the order of influential factors as: specific pressure, die temperature, pouring temperature and pressure holding time. 结果表明:ZA27合金冲头式挤压铸造工艺参数影响的主次顺序为比压、铸型温度、浇注温度和保压时间。
The activity of PPO in the juice decreased gradually with the rise of heating temperature and the extension of pressure holding time. 随着保压时间的延长和温度的升高,桃汁中多酚氧化酶相对活性逐渐降低。
The relations between properties and SHS processing parameters, including relative density of preform, axial pressing pressure of preform, preliminary pressing pressure, delay time, high pressing pressure, holding time were examined. SHS工艺参数主要包括压坯相对密度、压坯轴向压力、预压力、延迟时间、高压压力、高温保压时间等,对这些参数和材料性能之间的关系进行了探讨。
The raw materials, extrusion pressure, pressure holding time and molding temperature during extrusion moulding have great effects on the quality of products. 挤压成型过程中原材料、挤压力、保压时间和成型温度对制品的品质影响较大。
TiC/ TiAl composite was prepared by spark plasma sintering technique and the influences on TiC/ TiAl composite 'density caused by sintering temperature were studied with unchangeable sintering pressure and holding time. 采用放电等离子装置烧结制备TiC/TiAl复合材料,在一定烧结压力以及保温时间条件下,研究了烧结温度对TiC/TiAl复合材料致密度的影响,并对烧结过程进行了分析。
Result showed that the pressure, temperature and pressure holding time were the major affecting factors for high hydrostatic pressure inactivation while the ramp rate and depressurization rate not. 结果表明:温度、压力和保压时间对灭活大肠杆菌影响显著,升压速度和卸压速度对灭活大肠杆菌影响不显著。
The injection molding process of thermoset plastics bulk molding composition ( BMC) made of automobile lamp reflector is presented in the paper. Process parameters are settled such as barrel temperature, screw speed, injection pressure, injection velocity and holding time and so on. 介绍了热固性团状模塑料(BMC)注射成型汽车前照灯反射镜的工艺过程,确定了BMC注射成型的料筒温度、螺杆转速、注射压力、注射速度和保压时间等工艺参数。
The experiment showed that the key processing parameters of Mg alloy in squeezing casting depended on pouring temperature, mould temperature, specific pressure, initially pressurized time after pouring and holding pressure time. 试验时发现镁液浇注温度、铸型温度、比压、开始加压时间和保压时间是镁合金挤压铸造的关键工艺参数。
If the power of microwave radiation increases, the steam pressure increases quickly in wood, its peak value becomes higher and the holding time of maximal pressure becomes shorter. 微波辐射功率提高,木材内部蒸汽压力上升速度相应加快,压力峰值也相应变大,最大压力值保持的时间变短。
The results show: 1.With SPS technology sintering atmosphere rising temperature speed sample inflicting pressure and holding time, It had prepared integrity compact fine grain-TiO_2 and fine grain-Al_2O_3 ceramics successfully. 利用SPS技术快速烧结,通过对烧结气氛、温度、升温速率、压力和保温时间的优化选择,成功的制备出完整、致密的细晶粒氧化铝与二氧化钛陶瓷材料。
The effects of temperatures and ON/ OFF on properties of Fe sintered were studied by pulse electric current ( PEC) heating, and to compare with that sintered by hot press of radiation heating under same conditions of temperature, pressure and holding time. 研究了脉冲电流烧结过程中温度和脉冲比对Fe烧结体性能的影响,并与相同温度、压力和保温时间下辐射加热热压烧结的Fe烧结体进行了比较。
The processing parameters of PEEK composites include cooling rate, forming pressure, forming temperature and the holding time in melt. 其成型工艺参数包括冷却速度、成型压力、成型温度、保温时间。
The influence of SPS process parameters ( sintering temperature, heating rate, pressure and holding time) and Sb doping content on the phase, density and microstructure of ATO ceramic targets is investigated. 研究了SPS工艺参数(如烧结温度、升温速率、烧结压力和保温时间)和Sb掺杂含量对ATO陶瓷靶材的物相组成、致密度和微观结构的影响。
The significant of influence to each performance of compact is in sequence of forming temperature forming pressure holding time. 方差分析结果表明,对压坯各性能影响的显著性大小排序为:成形温度成形压力保温时间。
The impact factors of corn stover pretreatment were in turn microwave radiation time, explosion pressure, radiation power, water content, corn stalk length and pressure holding time. 预处理效果的影响因素顺序依次为微波辐射时间、爆破压力、辐射功率、含水量、秸秆长度和维压时间。
The important parameters such as pressing powder pressure, pressing speed and holding pressure time etc, will affect directly the quality of initiating explosive device. 压药压力、加压速度、保压时间等重要工艺参数都直接影响其质量。
The optimum conditions of the composite materials forming process were determined: the molding temperature was 160 ℃; the molding pressure was 12 MPa; the holding time was 30 min; In composite materials, carbon fibers content was 4%. 正交试验确定了复合材料最佳成型工艺条件:成型温度为160℃;成型压力为12MPa;保压时间为30min;复合材料中碳纤维含量为4%。
The results shown on the surface of compact that when the pressure and temperature are over high and holding time is too long, the compact carbonization seriously and generate many substances which similar to colloid, cause demolding difficulty. 从压坯的表面看出,当压力和温度过高、保温时间过长时,压坯碳化严重,并有大量类似胶体的物质粘于表面,造成脱模困难。
Using artificial graphite as the conductive filler and the above two kinds of resin as the binder, the paper investigated the effect of resin content, molding pressure and holding time on the properties of composite bipolar plate. 本文还以人工石墨为导电填料、聚酰亚胺和苯并嗯嗪为粘结剂,考察了树脂含量、模压压力、保温时间等对复合双极板的影响。
The hot pressing sintering process parameters: pressure, temperature, holding time, magnetic abrasive particle size and weight ratio. 影响热压烧结法的工艺参数有压力、温度、保温时间、磁性磨粒颗粒大小,配比等。
Uniform experimental design was applied to examine the effects of high pressure and holding time on gelation properties of pork homogenate. 采用均匀试验设计,研究不同压力和保压时间预处理对猪肉匀浆物凝胶特性的影响。
Therefore, suitable pressure, temperature and holding time have great influence on the density and performance of compact. 因此,合适的压力、温度和保温时间对压坯的密度和性能的影响巨大。